策展人: Berenice Angremy
??????? 展覽由法國作家、獨立策展人Berenice Angremy策劃。作品選自戴光郁上世紀90年代中期至今,與水墨宣紙等傳統媒材相關的現場行為、裝置攝影記錄、彩墨實物繪畫。之所以把視點集中在這些以水墨媒材為依托的作品上,其主要原因,是希望通過一名藝術家長期堅持、拒不退讓的“水墨”捍衛精神,或許可以釋讀出原本充滿靈性的文化傳統,因盛極而衰的詞語不振,到釜底抽薪式零度創作道路,窺見到一條“渡過”的路徑。
??????? 戴光郁的藝術經驗,是不是一種示范性工作?我們拭目以待!
地址:北京市朝陽區酒仙橋路2號院(798藝術區)北京8502信箱 紅星畫廊
Red Star Gallery Exhibition Information
“As the Water Subsides, the Rocks Emerge”_ Works by Dai Guangyu
Curator: Berenice Angremy
Opening time: 11:00 - 19:00(Except Monday)
Exhibition time: Jun.23 - Jul.15
Opening: 3 p.m. Jun.23 (Saturday)
Address: Red Star Gallery, 798 Art District, 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
P.O.8502 Beijing--100015
??? This exhibition, curated by French writer and independent curator Berenice Angremy, is a themed retrospective of Dai Guangyu’s work from the mid 1990s to the present. The selected works focus on the artist’s long-running exploration of the traditional media of Chinese ink-and-wash painting, such as ink and Xuan paper, and include photographic records of live performances and installations, as well as paintings and objects. The main reason for concentrating on these works is the hope that, through one artist’s persistent and unyielding championing of ‘ink-and-wash’, we will be able to read and interpret the submerged vocabulary of a cultural tradition that was once full of spirit and intelligence, that reached a peak and then declined to a state of zero creativity, a situation that only drastic action can remedy. Perhaps we will even catch a glimpse of a path that can lead this art form out of the creative impasse it has reached. ??? Is Dai Guangyu’s art practice setting an example that others will follow? Time will tell!