地點:北京市東城區皇城藝術館 陽光廳
Time: April 27th, 2009
Place: Yang Guang Hall, the Museum of Imperial City ,Beijing
Main Forum:Macroscopic Economic Environment and Turning of the Art Market
主持人Session chair:
孟海東Meng Haidong
北京文化發展基金會副理事長/Deputy Chairman of Beijing Cultural Development Foundation
演講人Honored guest speakers:
1.梅建平Mei Jianping
梅墨藝術市場指數聯合創始人,長江商學院金融學教授,The founder of Mei-Moses Art Market Index Union, Professor of Finance at Chueng Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)
2、黃文叡(紐約Motif Art Consulting 副總裁)
Terry W. Huang (Vice President of Motif Art Consulting, New York)
3.孫貴珍Sun Guizhen
安盛保險亞洲區代表The representative of AXA-insurance( Asian)
4.張平Zhang Ping
中國社會科學院經濟研究所研究員、研究生院教授/ Researcher of the Economics Institute,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor of the graduate school
5.于天宏Yu Tianhong
《藝術財經》雜志出版人/Publisher of Arts Value Magazine
Subject forum 1:
The collection tendency of the Asian contemporary arts
主持人Session chair: 趙力 Zhao Li
中央美術學院教授、藝術市場分析研究中心總監/Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Director of Art Market Research Center
演講人Honored guest speaker:
1.趙成龍 Alex Cho
韓國EMART藝術推廣機構負責人/Deputy Chairman/ President of EM corp.LTD. , KAIST Culture Technology/PhD.can Kyunghee Unv.Culture&Art Management_Adjunct Professer
2.徐鎮洙 So Jinsu
韓國江南大學經濟學院教授、美術市場研究所所長/ Professer of Economics,University Kangnam, President of Art Market Research Insititute(AMRI)
3.倉田陽一郎Yoichiro Kurata
日本親和拍賣公司董事長/ President & CEO of Shinwa Art Auction Co.,Ltd
日本當代藝術收藏家/ Collector from Japan
茶歇 Tea-time break
Subject forum 2: Now is the future
主持人Session chair::皮力 Pi Li
Boers-Li Gallery負責人之一/ One of the chief officer of Boers-Li Gallery
演講人Honored guest speaker:
1.杰羅姆·桑斯 Jerome Sans
尤倫斯當代藝術中心館長/UCCA curator
2.羅伯托·尼耶夫Roberto Nieves
波多黎各藝術博覽會執行總監/Execuive Director of Porto Rico Art Fair
3.斯蒂文·貝都 Stephen Beddoe
倫敦藝術大學ARTQUEST負責人/Principal of ARTQUEST of University of the Arts London
4、馬芝安 Meg Maggio
北京藝門畫廊總監/ Curator and Director of Pekin Fine Arts Gallery, in Beijing
Special Exhibition Program:
M+M Auer 國際攝影精品收藏特別介紹會
The Special Presentation of M+M Auer:International Photograph Collection
M+M Auer 介紹:
Michel 和Michele Auer夫婦是世界上最重要的攝影收藏家之一。40年來,他們收藏了5萬余幅攝影作品,2萬余套攝影作品集,及各種世界上罕見的相機。
他們的收藏不僅涵蓋了攝影史上最重要的藝術家,還有他們期待著人們去發掘的,不知名的以及被遺忘了的名字。他們經常和世界知名博物館及美術館合作組織展覽,近期,他們將與著名的圣保羅國家現代藝術博物館,巴利阿里島上的帕爾馬馬略卡美術館,日內瓦藝術和歷史博物館,及馬德里的電盈基金會美術館合作組織M+M Auer夫婦的精品收藏展。
Introduction of M+M Auer
M+M Auer, the authority in the field of the international photo collection. The 40 years photo collection of M+M Auer has traveled through the history of the photo art. They love photo art and are almost crazy for it. Their "Photographing Encyclopedia” published in 1985 is up to today the requisite reference book for the professional photographing artists. Among their 80000 collected works.
Venue: Academic Report Hall,the Museum of Imperial City (No.9 Changpu He Yan, Nanchizi Dajie, Dongcheng District)
Form: Multi-media picture show
Activities: an on-the scene explanations by expert