Selected works by Chen Jianguo
June 1st – 30th, 2009
2009年6月1日 – 30日
Art Beatus Gallery 精藝軒畫廊
Shark is one of the most fearful predators in the oceans. Its wide opened jaws or just the sight of it will incite a deep fear in us. In his new Shadow series, Chen Jianguo, tries to explores into the real meaning of fright. The question that he poses before us is: Fright, is it from the jaws of the predators or from the not-so-frightening but illusive mouth that lurks behind?
Not so long ago, Chen shares with us his notions of Hope with beautiful roses rising up in the midst of storms, destructions or chaos. Art Beatus Gallery is to put on display Chan’s canvases draw out these two human emotions in the exhibition in June.
“In my works, I put on display some of the fine details in life. These things are the most touching yet often ignored parts around us. I find that meaningful communications of these niceties are the best ways to defuse destructive forces,” Chen said.
“To depict these concepts visually on canvas has been quite frustrating for me. After numerous trials and errors, I have succeeded juxtaposing the fine details together as well as assuming some sort of posturing of my own. Every ethnic group, every country and every person loves to put on an overtly different positioning, yet there are common denominators. One of them is beauty and I have adopted it as my language.”
Chen, a native of Hebei, has worked quietly in Song Zhuang, the artists’ enclave north of Beijing, since 2002 after graduated from the Fine Art Department of Hebei Light Industry Management School.
驚心動魄 是來自大白鯊的血盤大口或是緊緊追隨在后約隱約現的影子呢?令人心底難以平伏下來的,究竟是毀滅性風暴、都市的摧毀,或是美好象征的玫瑰花最終能否帶來新生希望?
陳建國 生于中國河北省,O二年進駐北京宋莊畫家村從事藝術創作至今。自2007年“藝術北京”國際藝術博覽會上亮相后,引起了各方面的關注。
35-39 Graham Street, Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong T. 852-2522.1138 / 2526.0818 F. 852-2905.1761
Gallery hours: Mon.-Sat. 11:30am to 7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holiday
香港中環嘉咸街35-39號嘉豪大廈地下三號鋪 T. 852-2522.1138 / 2526.0818 F.852-2905.1761
畫廊開放時間:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公眾假期休息