展覽名稱: 漫游——黃巖個展《Move》—Huang Yan Solo Exhibition
展覽城市: 上海
展覽時間: 2007-07-18~2007-08-4
開幕酒會: 2007-07-18 16:00
展覽地點: 朱屺瞻藝術館(上海市歐陽路580號)2-3樓
主辦單位: 朱屺瞻藝術館 瑪斯德比當代藝術中心
聯系方式: mary27art@yahoo.com.cn nhkbook@hotmail.com
Roam press release
Zhao shu lin
the roam borrowed a concept of mobile telephone , it ‘s could say this is basic character of communication society ,it was sign tradition social ‘dot face dot .line face line of that spread abroad fashion ,it no longer adapted this effect’society now.it’could say such by human and human changed that intercommunion fashion also changed chinese art too,avant_courier artist huanyan of Beijing ,early in 1994 he was used multimedia and when burgeoning electron medium did electron art and alternation art .this time shall huangyan ‘s solo exhibit by is roam naming ,on the beam correlation that it with huangyan’s art experiment of these years.because near in 20 years ,huangyans ‘art was a sort of roam state all the time ,his art hardly any a specific borderline , field that set foot in he was from traditional stoneware ,oil painting,up to photo ,video. just the same he would sociological means introduced among artist of contemporary art early in china .at one time ,in his heart full archaic literator poltof china ,so his landscape painting and his electron art always dissociate between in tradition with contemporary art .this time his solo exhibit all show is oil painting works that early 90’sand in the near future ,in a great measure of works all is the first time declare one’s views.
He was in his oil painting works also conveied out his the state of art roam ,said he was drawed oil painting it would be better to concept art ,because also he was in his inner oil painting breathe into archaic zen energy of china and modernistic sociology solicitude.
展覽城市: 上海
策展人 : 武樹
展覽時間: 2007-07-28~2007-08-28
開幕酒會: 2007-07-28 15:00
展覽地點: 上海多倫現代美術館(上海市多倫路27號)1、2、6樓
主辦單位: 上海多倫現代美術館 上海驚蟄藝術聯盟
協辦單位:上海惠生藝術中心 上海多倫當代藝術中心、適時國際藝術(意大利)
聯系方式: 345art@163.com nhkbook@hotmail.com
展覽名稱:《藝術問題調查》之廣州美院青年教師藝術文獻展 上海站
展覽城市: 上海
策展人 : 吳楊波
展覽時間: 2007-07-28~2007-08-1
開幕酒會: 2007-07-28 15:00
展覽地點: 上海多倫現代美術館(上海市多倫路27號)1樓書店
主辦單位: 東外灘藝術中心
聯系方式: nhkbook@hotmail.com
參展藝術家:陳侗 陳子君 陳克 陳曉陽 鄧箭今 范勃 胡赤駿 黃小鵬 黃勇 雷小洲 李全民 羅必武 羅奇 劉可 秦晉 宋光智 薛軍 吳楊波 夏天 趙崢嶸