??????? 才華橫溢的廣西藝術家雷敏,近年潛心創作了大量油畫作品。他的精神世界達到了一種高度自由的狀態,以他豐富的想象力和創造力,旺盛的創作激情和自由無忌的技巧,新作不斷,畫面變化頗多,藝術家更自由地在西畫技法中融入中國畫技巧,收放自如如臨無人之境。畫作尺幅巨大也難以盡情表現。他一直馳騁在他的精神領域,而達到一發不可收拾的狀態。雷敏的作品,集廣西這片中國少數民族聚居的廣袤土地之靈氣,聚中國深厚的傳統文化和當代迅猛發展的世態之精華,作品濃縮的象征具有更廣泛、更真切的指涉,它成為一種親密關系之下的暗示語言。
??????? 雷敏作品中場景的超自然的錯覺賦予畫面一種不可思議的戲劇性特性,體現了一種對正在進行的儀式的感受。他常常以一種逆反于慣常的藝術感受來進行創作,無所顧忌。他的作品是通過大腦向人們講述一個漫長的諷刺故事,畫面或多或少地摻和著幽默和漫畫的詭異氣息。
Solo Exhibition of Lei Min’s Paintings
The interest towards Guangxi artist Lei Min was kindled by his seemingly strange works, which are constructed form unusual articles and take on a surrealistic look. These days, his new works is going to be shown in Shanghai_ Hutchison Harbouring-The Center.
Lei’s painting series is flooded by the imagines symbolizing an absurd weaving between man and women, which in their usage of configuration and colors appear to show the dualism of sexual relationships, “Although the images look confusing and oppressive, the surrealistic scenes surrounding them provide the same picture with a dramatic feeling. A painting should not necessarily be understood by everybody, because different people have different life styles; but all life, in a way, is homologous, and I am more willing to let the audience analyze the underlying meanings at their own will.”said Lei.
Art Director: Holly Zhao
Supported by: Hutchison Harbouring-The Center
Assisted by:Shanghai Sanshang Art
Exhibition Period: Nov 18- 30, 2007,10:00-20:00
Venue: South side of the lobby, 1/F, The Center, 989 ChangLe Road,Shanghai
More info: 13061621246 hollyzhao@3sunart.com