想象畫廊 北京 歡迎 11月18日下午3點至6點
非今 油畫 / 水墨 / glycero畫
方索-Francois Bossiere(法國) 李曦(中國) Marc Baufrere(法國) Peter Kveseth(挪威) 王雪君(中國) 徐暢(中國) 鄢振興(中國) 鐘照(中國)
展覽日期:2007年 11 月18 日-2008年 1 月31日 日本藝術家清水惠美的特別行為藝術開展日期是18日 星期天
地址:想像畫廊 ,朝陽區,來廣營東路,同達生態園對面,費家村東路, 8號藝術工作室 電話: 01064385747 / 13910917965 www.imagine-gallery.com 上午10:30至晚5:30(周一休息)
SUNDAY NOV. 18 From 3 to 6 pm
NON PRESENT Exhibition oil painting / ink / glycero
Peter Kveseth (Norway) Lee Xee (China) Yan Zhenxing (China) Francois Bossiere (France) Marc Baufrere (France) Xu Chang (China) Zhong Zhao (China) Wang Xuejun (China)
Exhibition from Nov.18, 2007 to Jan.30, 2008
!!! SPECIAL !!!
On Sunday Nov.18
Five Chinese, two French and one Norwegian artist using figurative and abstract representations investigate notions of landscape, texture, line and color in the context of both contemporary, and especially Chinese contemporary art. Whether it is the moment of dissolution of a blossom's flowering, the spiraling of the nucleus of a design into a waveform, or the poetics of ink and brushwork on cliffs and crags, these eight artists investigate subtlety and patterning in a variety of styles to produce unexpected and moving results.
Venue: Imagine Gallery, No.8 Feijiacun Yishu Gongzuoshi, Feijiacun, Laiguangyingdonglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100103, China. Gallery Hours: Tues-Sun, 10:30am-5:30pm Laetitia Gauden Imagine Gallery Director Tel:(0086)(10) 64385747 / (0086) 13910917965 Map and Directions on www.imagine-gallery.com