主題:鏡中影像——2008賈穹個展 時間:2008.05.24-2008.07.01 開幕酒會:2008.05.24 下午15:00-18:00 地點:北京市朝陽區酒仙橋路4號798藝術區E區E03號樓三層大象藝術空間
——上海美術館學術部 江梅
——中國油畫學會常務理事 水天中 《生命狀態——一個畫家的記憶和幻想》
1990年,入駐圓明園畫家村。 1994年,被德國慕尼黑“沃斯特沃爾藝術與收藏基金”選中并簽約。赴德國三年,在慕尼黑先后參加了94年度、95年度、96年度舉辦的“沃斯特沃爾藝術與收藏基金會年度展”及其它藝術活動。 1998年,在中國美術館舉辦了《1990—1998賈穹作品展》,同時參加由中國內地的藝術家舉辦的“中國當代十人油畫展”。 2001年,參加臺灣經典環宇畫廊主辦的《精神景象》油畫作品展;參加美國加利福尼亞橙色現代藝術中心舉辦的《自由之筆》中國當代紙上作品展及美國東西方藝術家協會舉辦的代表德國華人藝術家的《世界名人藝術展》;臺灣先見出版社出版《將演化為城市的沼澤——賈穹作品十年》。 2002年,在北京世紀翰墨舉辦個展“藏匿”。 2003年,參加上海海上山藝術中心“中國視覺”展。 2004年,參加德國法蘭克福國際藝術家博覽會。 2005年,參加北京世紀翰墨“中國當代繪畫藝術名家作品展”。 2006年,參加美國紐約曼哈頓格瑞斯畫廊中國當代繪畫藝術提名展;參加北京“限制與自由” 中國當代藝術名家展;參加北京“宋莊油畫——北京東區藝術中心第一回油畫作品展” ;參加北京“2006年中國當代藝術文獻展” 。 2007年,參加上海正大美術館《浮世相考》五人作品展;參加北京宋莊美術館“宋莊當代提名展”;參加北京 上海 廣州 舉辦的“中國-宋莊巡回展”;簽約瑞典諾貝爾藝術中心。 2008年,參加荷蘭阿姆斯特丹“中國當代藝術邀請展”;在北京798大象藝術空間由中國文化書院主辦“鏡中影像——賈穹個人作品展”。
在現實與虛幻的無限范圍內,諸多謎一般的事物引起人們無限的遐想。 面對這撲朔迷離的世界, 一種價值觀和責任感驅使著我,艱難而誠實地求索, 并把藝術形式看作是精神世界的表達,在象征、隱喻的空間里,透過視覺的觸角,領悟人對于生命的持久關注,進而通過藝術表現力使其持久地再現。
在人類漫長的歷史和社會演變中,櫥窗作為它特有的符號涵蓋著所盛載物象的破滅與繁榮,相逢與分離,金錢與真理,情感在生命中的虛無以及充實…… 雨后迷離的櫥窗,偶人和擺放的各種商業元素,喚起不一樣的人的不一樣的情感。怎樣的交易,怎樣的奢華,怎樣的璀璨,怎樣的擺脫不掉的城市人的感傷……仿佛象征人類漫長的歷史在時間中凝固,人們苦難的命運,人生的無奈和身陷囹圄般的不自由。
Special Segment In Heart
Jia Qiong In Critics’ Eyes
Jia Qiong is an artist who continues to construct dream of life on the canvas. Life, which is rich, mystic, powerful and beautiful, is his favorite theme repeating on his canvas in recent years.
Realism and expressionism are skillfully used by him. It shows us his talent and basic skill by its bright color, handsome brush, exact model and the appropriate space. His work has a different realistic sense in its form because it was described in a mild way, although their content is often dreamlike and surrealistic.
By Jiang Mei
Academy Department of Shang Hai Art Museum
An art historian said art is memory on ancient and dim things, which segments in artist heart always follow closely to. To Jia Qiong, it is too. He maybe doesn’t familiar with their thoughts and works, but the “special segment in his heart” derived from the same origin with the immortal philosopher.
Life State, Memory And Delusion Of An Artist
By Shui Tianzhong
Executive member of Oil Painting Institute of China
1990 Entering Yuan Mingyuan Artist Village.
1994 Selected by “Worsterwall Art and Collection Fund” Munich of Germany, Stayed in Germany for three years, Participated in its annual exhibitions and other art activities from 1994 to 1996.
1998 1990-1998 “Jia Qiong Exhibition”in Art Museum of China. And participated in “Chinese Contemporary Oil painting Exhibition of Ten Artists” in the same year.
2001 Participated in the exhibition “Scenery of the Spirit” held by Classic Huan Yu Gallery of Taiwan. Participated in the exhibition “Brush of Freedom” held by Orange Modern Art Center in California, US. And “World Personage exhibition” held by Eastern and Western Artists Association of US which presents Chinese artists in Germany. Evolve To Be Marsh Of The City, Jia Qiong’s Works Of Ten Years published by Prevision (Xian Jian) publishing house.
2002 Solo exhibition “Hiding” century hanmo(brush and ink) of Beijing
2003 Participated in “Chinese Visual” by Mountain On the Sea Art Center in Shanghai.
Participated in Artist International Fair of Frankfurt.
2004 Participated in “Chinese contemporary art exhibition of virtuoso” held by century hanmo(brush and ink) of Beijing
2005 Participated in “Chinese contemporary art nomination exhibition” in Geris (Ge Rui Si) gallery of Manhattan, New York. Participated in “Restriction and Freedom” of Beijing. Participated in “Oil Painting of Song Zhuang, the First Round Exhibition of East Area Art Center of Beijing”. Participated in “Contemporary art documentary exhibition 2006”
2006 “Various Looks of Multitudes” Five Artists Exhibition held by Shang Hai Zen Dai Museum of Modern Art. Participated in “Contemporary Art Nomination Exhibition “in Art Museum of Songzhuang. “Travelling Exhibition of China-Songzhuang”in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou. Signed Contract with Nobel Art Center of Sweden.
2008 Participated in “Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition of China ” in Amsterdam. “Image In Mirror, Jia Qiong Solo Exhibition” hosted by culture college of China in Dax Art Space in 798.
Image Behind Mirror
Jia Qiong
Life is like mirror.
By which surrounding of people, growing psychology, influence by the society and the nature creation can be reflected.
Art has changed life state of human for the last twenties years, which are presented on canvas through shopwindows. What saw by eyes reflected in brain, changed the mind, moving the heart. Commodity has changed desire and ideal, the momory for love in poverish, youth wandering in the deserted gardern, spaceless hope and various capabilities. Reality pressed against time. People were like dyed by asphsltum and forgot their origin color.
Caught sight of grassland again, devoted into embrace of nature, and gave up contemporary culture and unconsummated ideal of city. People on the grassland, white wolf, family in the process of constructing, Mongolia. Never went back from the wrong path.
Many times I have given up brush to fight, but injured badly and came back again, painting silently like beliefe. Struggling in Yuan Ming Yuan art village, wandering in Hai Dian, painting in Munich, all those are like dream. And then from small company in CBD to collectivized company, the winter in Haerbin, Qi Qi haer, devorce. Beijing, the son of Bo-Er-Ji-Ji-Te (a household of Man), empty studio of songzhuang, beautiful green sea, people on the grassland, family in the air. Came back to art, I will never engage in others.
In the prosess of reform, pass of time, splendish after centuries humiliation, lights of commodity transaction, east will grow up in the world again.
The content of shaman to me is ignorant. I feel sadness, love and hatress of shaman are flowing in my body. This is what I expressed in my earlier work, the puzzles difficult to interpret.
The history of shaman and Eurasian, the desire of Altay Tungus, Hun, Xianbei, Khitan, Juchen, Mongolia, Korea and Japan, Man has survived after modification, which like the stairs went to none step by step, layer by layer.
Between the Reality and Transience
Jia Qiong
Many puzzles brought people imagination both in reality and transience space. I was propelled by a responsibility to pursue hardly and honestly. And regard art as spirit, through which we can read life and then re-create it everlastingly by simbol and metapher way.
Shopwindow dolls and foam dolls are the carriers whose style may initiate different interpretations from the spectators. What I paint maybe not exists in reality but reflect my intention.
Shopwindow has many special elements such as booms and slumps, coming across and separation, money and truth and also vanity and rich of the emotion. Shopwindow dolls call out different feeling of different people by their different ways to be put.
Business deal, luxury, resplendent and obsessional sentiment can be seen in the shopwindow dolls. The shopwindow can show dark destiny, life helplessness and discomfort just like time frame fixing.
Magic water surface bears all the floating life. Shimmering flashes on the foam and surrounded by deep passion, which reflected same experiences of human being. Different status, different time cause different feeling of people. Where to go? What the final aim? Happiness, getting away, Drifting and Wandering, disappear in the darkness or sublime to brightness.
I use indirect way to express symbolistic meaning. Cloud makes the sun and the moon can’t show the brightness, the sand makes the river can’t be clear, greed make people can’t be calm. The gulf between people and things behind the window, the model and commodity teasing people reflects the emotion and situation of modernist and even collide, mingle and even harmony between east and west.