展覽詳情請電郵 dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk 或致電 2522.1138 / 2526.0818 查詢。
畫廊開放時間:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公眾假期休息。
MEDITATION - Works of Li Yibing
December 5 to 22, 2007
Art Beatus Exhibition Space
Before his chubby buddies captured the attention of the art hunters, Li Yibing was just one of the hundreds of struggling artists in Song Zhuang, the artists’ enclave outside of Beijing.
Li is ecstatic that his works are being recognized and that his chubby buddies are keeping viewers on cloud nine. He still works diligently forever sharpening his skills in his small studio at the outskirt of the Chinese capital, which is fast becoming one of the world leading centers for contemporary art.
Born in the poorest part of rural Hebei in 1966, Li’s deprived childhood and harsh up-bringing have been urging him to search for peace and to create tranquillity in his works as these two “things” were definitely missing in the early part of his life.
The “Meditation” series, which will be shown at Art Beatus Gallery from December 5 to 22, 2007, unveils Li’s persistent efforts in posing his buddies at their happiest moment, eyes closed, contemplating and always desiring for something pleasurable that is forth-coming.
Li said that with his works he aimed at providing a soft landing zone for the viewers amidst the chaos and conflicts that clustered our social environments these days. To reinforce the visual elements, Li supplemented his imageries with other symbols such as clouds, balloons, boats and umbrellas to strengthen the effects of bringing forth serenity, happiness and safety, surreal yet soothingly comforting.
Art Beatus Gallery: 35-39 Graham Street, Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong (near Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace).
Enquires: please send email to dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk or call at 2522-1138 / 2526-0818.
Gallery hours: Mon. thr. Saturday, 11:30am-7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holidays.
[專稿] 冥想—李一丙作品展
[專稿] 李一丙作品展