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    [專稿] 尤倫斯當代藝術中心2008年3月文化教育活動

    藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-03-04 15:35:51 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


      - 尤倫斯當代藝術中心對話館長系列之:一個美術館的故事
      時間:2008年3月5日 18:00 – 19:30
      演講人:美國麻省當代藝術館館長 約瑟夫?湯普森(Joseph Thompson)

      2008年3月5日尤倫斯當代藝術中心榮幸地邀請到美國麻省當代藝術館創始人和館長(MASS MoCA)約瑟夫?湯普森(Joseph Thompson)為中國公眾介紹該館從創立到現在的傳奇歷程。

      約瑟夫?湯普森1981年畢業于威廉姆斯學院,后獲賓州大學藝術史碩士和沃頓商學院工商管理碩士。他領導下的團隊將一個占地13英畝的歷史磨坊建筑改造成了一個集合視覺、表演和媒介藝術于一體的藝術中心,并成功獲得了7500萬美元的公共和私人基金的資助。包括中國藝術家蔡國強和黃永砅在內的超過200名藝術家曾在該館展出作品,超過500項藝術表演活動曾在此舉行,其中誕生了80件現場制作的視覺藝術作品和60出新創作的戲劇、舞蹈和音樂作品。在約瑟夫的領導下,MASS MoCA成為了該州西部地區經濟復蘇的催化劑,為麻省新增了600個工作崗位和每年2100萬美元的收入。他參與創建了“創意社區發展中心”,這個中心由福特基金會和威廉姆斯學院共同資助創立,側重研究藝術和教育的社會影響。

      約瑟夫曾獲得威廉姆斯學院200周年杰出校友獎章,麻省文學院榮譽博士,州長領袖獎,以及麻省文化部最高榮譽:聯邦獎章。他是麻省理工大學長期校園規劃校長顧問團的顧問。MASS MoCA在他的領導下曾獲得美國建筑師學會的榮譽建筑獎;全國文物保護信托基金會的國家文化保護獎和美國旅游作家協會的歷史保護“鳳凰獎”。

      - 在藝術中學習:如何向公眾推廣當代藝術
      時間:2008年3月11日 19:00 – 20:30
      演講人:倫敦蛇形畫廊(Serpentine Gallery)文化和教育部主任薩莉?泰朗特(Sally Tallant)

      倫敦蛇形畫廊(Serpentine Gallery)文化和教育部主任薩莉?泰朗特(Sally Tallant)將在UCCA進行一場針對公眾的演講。結合她的實踐經驗,薩利將介紹當代藝術教育的創新方式,如何培養和拓展熱愛當代藝術的觀眾,以及如何開發成功且富于創意的藝術項目。

      薩莉?泰朗特在當代藝術的推廣方面經驗豐富。她在蛇形畫廊組織和發展了一系列藝術家項目、會議、研討和活動。她曾策劃和組織了切爾西Hayward畫廊和威斯敏斯特醫院的展覽。她曾在英國皇家藝術學院,歌德史密斯學院(Goldsmith College),圣馬丁藝術設計學院(Central St. Martins),達定頓藝術學院(Dartington College of Art)等學校授課。


      創建于1970年的蛇形畫廊(Serpentine Gallery)是坐落在海德公園內的肯辛頓花園里,原先是一座1934年建造的古典風格的茶館。它是倫敦最受歡迎的現當代藝術畫廊之一,每年大概有75萬人參觀該畫廊的展覽。

      曾在該畫廊展出的藝術家包括曼?雷(Man Ray), 亨利?摩爾(Henry Moore),安迪?沃霍(Andy Warhol),布里奇特?瑞利(Bridget Riley),亞倫?麥可蘭(Allan McCollum)以及達明?赫斯特(Damien Hirst)等

      尤倫斯當代藝術中心 推廣部
      Tel:+86 10 6438-6578 *218
      Fax:+86 10 6435-1444
      Press Release. For Immediate Release.
      Director’s Talk
      Stories of a Museum
      Time: March 5, 18:00 – 19:30, 2008
      Venue: UCCA Auditorium
      Director: Joseph Thompson ( Director of MASS MoCA, USA)

      Joseph Thompson (BA Williams’81; MA art history & Annenberg Fellow Univ. of Pennsylvania; MBA Wharton School of Business, where he was awarded Morganthau Fellowship in recognition of his work in public policy and management; James Webb Fellow for excellence in the management of cultural institutions, Smithsonian Institution).

      26-year museum professional who helped develop the concept of the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA) while employed by Williams College.

      Founding Director of MASS MoCA since project approved by Massachusetts legislature in 1988. Led effort to convert the 13-acre historic mill complex into a center for visual, performing, and media arts, raising some $75 million in public and private funds. Has overseen the exhibitions of 200 artists who have exhibited at MASS MoCA (including Cai Guo-Qiang and Huang Yong Ping), as well as over 500 performing arts events. These exhibitions and performances have included creation of 80 new visual arts commissions and 60 new works of theater, dance, and music. Developed and marketed 100,000 SF at MASS MoCA as commercial lease space. Under his leadership, MASS MoCA has become a catalyst for economic revitalization in western Massachusetts, adding over 600 jobs and $21 million per year in economic impact.

      Co-founder of the Center for Creative Community Development, a research institute focusing on the socioeconomic effects of arts and education, jointly sponsored by the Ford Foundation and Williams College. Has co-authored and contributed to two dozen books including Refigured Painting and MASS MoCA:From Mill to Museum. Awards include Williams College Bicentennial Medal (given to distinguished alumni); honorary doctorate from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts; the Governor’s Leadership Award, and the Commonwealth Award, the highest award granted by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Serves on many advisory boards, including President’s Advisory Board for Long Term Campus Planning at M.I.T. MASS MoCA’s awards under his directorship: Honor Award for Architecture from the American Institute of Architects; New Commonwealth Medal (for achievement in creating economic prosperity) from MassINC; National Preservation Honor Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation; Phoenix Award for conservation & historic preservation from the Society of American Travel Writers.

      ‘Learning Through Art’
      Date: March 11th 7pm-8:30pm, 2008
      Venue: UCCA Auditorium
      Lecturer: Sally Tallant

      Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Sally Tallant from the Serpentine Gallery discuss innovative approaches to art education, including ways to engage wider audiences and develop successful creative arts programs.

      Sally Tallant is the Head of Education and Public Programmes at the Serpentine Gallery, London where she has been developed an extensive programme of artist’s projects and commissions, conferences, talks and events. She has curated and organised exhibitions in a wide range of contexts including the Hayward Gallery, Milch, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital; lectured on graduate and post-graduate courses at the Royal College of Art, Goldsmiths College, The Royal Academy, Central St. Martins, Dartington College of Art amongst others and is a regular contributor to conferences nationally and internationally.

      Media contact:
      Joanna lv
      Head of Communications
      Ullens Center for Contemporary Art
      Tel:+86 10 6438-6578 *218
      Fax:+86 10 6435-1444

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