2008年5月25日下午,四川汶川地震發生的第二個周日,三影堂攝影藝術中心舉行了由數百名藝術家、捐贈者、志愿工作者和來賓參加的救援聚會。與會者紛紛在現場點燃蠟燭,為逝者祈愿,為生還者祝福,并在留言簿上留下心聲。著名民謠藝人趙牧陽以三弦表演的形式寄托了對災區同胞的哀思和美好的愿望。籌款活動參加者踴躍,現場舉辦的特殊的無聲拍賣會在兩小時內拍出了榮榮和映里、韓磊、劉香成、熊文韻、Les KiKi (Yuki Onodera + Aki Lumi)、王秉龍、周鐵海、陳秋林、高波、阿斗、蔡衛東、盧彥鵬、韓冰、張佰鈞、孫紅賓、何岸、饒凌華等藝術家的作品,以及三影堂制作中心攝影課程等其他物品,總計拍得 人民幣449000元?,F場捐款箱亦募得直接捐助17687.5元,書籍等物品義賣活動籌得27850元?;顒咏刂瓜挛?點30分,總計募得善款494537.5元,全部款項將交給中國紅十字總會轉交給受災地區的民眾。
Two weeks after the earthquake struck Sichuan Province, the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre gathered over three hundred artists, donors, volunteers, and friends for a charity benefit. Guests lit candles in memory of the deceased and left prayers for survivors in the guestbook, while the renowned folk musician Zhao Muyang expressed his sympathy with a performance of heartrending San Xian music. In the two hour live, silent auction, works by artists RongRong&inri, Han Lei, Liu Heungshing, Xiong Wenyun, Les Kiki (Yuki Onodera + Aki Lumi), Wang Binglong, Zhou Tiehai, Chen Qiulin, Gao Bo, Adou, Cai Weidong, Lu Yanpeng, Han Bing, Zhang Baijun, Sun Hongbin, He An, and Rao Linghua, as well as photography classes by the Three Shadows Production Centre were auctioned off. The total amount collected through the silent auction was RMB 449,000. The amount collected in the donation box was RMB 17,687.50, and charity sales of books and other services collected RMB 27,850. By the event’s end, the total amount collected was RMB 494,537.50. This entire sum will be donated to China Red Cross’ fund for Sichuan Earthquake Disaster Relief.
Over the past ten days, the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre has experienced an international outpouring of support, both from within and outside the artistic arena. Famous artists, writers, musicians, critics, restaurants, and even travel companies donated over 100 items for the benefit. Through this event, participants have gathered together in amazing, unified effort to help earthquake survivors overcome their hardships and rebuild their homes. Three Shadows would like to thank all who were involved!