三月空間 March Art / Felix Ringel gallery Beijing
德國知名畫廊三月空間總部位于有藝術之都稱譽的文化中心杜塞爾多夫,由Felix Ringel先生在2001年創立,作為資深的策展人和藝術顧問,Felix Ringel先生是最早致力于將中國當代藝術引入德國藝術界的專業人士之一。三月空間于2008年進駐中國,由黎寧春女士擔當藝術總監。
三月空間代理的藝術家們包括:Jo Addison, Franz Baumgartner, Thomas Bernstein, Lex Braes, Martin Golland, Jon Groom, Chris Jones, Robert Linsley, David Rankin, Stefan Sous, Mike Strauch, Max Stricher, Stefan A Wengen. 他們在國際當代藝術界已具有相當的知名度。三月空間在中國以發掘和推廣新的藝術形態為方向,以國際化操作模式經營當代藝術,以專業經驗來引導和影響本土及國外的藝術收藏。
擁有國際名牌大學——法國索邦大學藝術策展專業背景的黎寧春女士,于2006年在巴黎創建了Action 74藝術協會,后擔任法國頂級畫廊瑪格畫廊的中國項目負責,現擔當三月空間中國藝術總監的同時,還肩負歐洲a.s.m.a (agence de conseil en strategies de communication mécénat culturel, production et fund raising) 藝術投資機構的中國區顧問。
March Art / Felix Ringel gallery Beijing
The renowned March Art gallery was founded in Germany by Felix Ringel in 2001, with its headquarters located in Dusseldorf, a cultural centre recognized as capital of the arts. As a professional curator and art consultant, Felix Ringel was the first to draw contemporary Chinese art into the German art world. In 2008 March Art gallery opened a space in China and Li Ningchun became its art director.
Artists represented by the March Art gallery include Jo Addison, Franz Baumgartner, Thomas Bernstein, Lex Braes, Martin Golland, Jon Groom, Chris Jones, Robert Linsley, David Rankin, Stefan Sous, Mike Strauch, Max Stricher, Stefan A Wengen. March Art gallery in China aims to discover and promote new forms of art while operating within an international contemporary art context.
Li Ningchun majored in art curation at the Sorbonne in Paris. In 2006 she founded the art association 'Action 74' in Paris. She then took in charge the Chinese programme for Maeght Gallery, one of the best known galleries in Paris. She is now also the Chinese consultant of the a.s.m.a. (“agence de conseil en stratégies de communication mécénat culturel, production et fund raising”) art investment association.
March Art/ Felix Ringel Gallery Beijing
8502 PO Box, 798 Art Zone, 2 JiuXian Qiao Road, ChaoYang District 100015 Beijing
T/F: +86 10 8096 9200 E : info@march-art.com
Felix Ringel Gallery
Heihrich-Heine-Allee 15, Eingang Neustra?e, D-40213 Düsseldorf, Germany
T: +49 211 6 02 99 00 F:+49 211 6 02 99 99 E: art@felixringel.com
Felix Ringel gallery in Dusseldorf ?