制作 系列A 小天使作品
“解構主義藝術”是徐微強1994年底以來一直在創作和探索研究的藝術形式及其藝術理念至今已有13年之久的時間. 那么,徐微強十年磨一劍, 除了他的《關于解構與解構藝術》等多篇理念論述文章和他以往的架上作品以外, 今天就讓我們親眼目睹一下他的另類解構作品, 徐微強將他的架上繪畫“系列A”(I LovE U系列)燒制成了瓷質材料作品, 從架上平面“下界”到了立體的作品 I “ LovE U—小天使(愛的使者)”和“I LovE U—母親(微納斯)”作品更加凸現出了他的本真、詼諧和傻傻而可人的微笑, 這些具有文化性和人性憨憨的和諧的作品,是徐十多年來堅持解構主義藝術理念,“解構”人體、人性和文化的產物.
策展人: 李鐵軍
開幕時間: 2009年3月21日(明天)14點
展覽時間: 3月21日-- 4月5日(全天開放)
展覽地點: 上海解構藝術廳 (莫干山路50號11號樓三層)
協作媒體:解構藝術網 藝術國際
聯系方式: 021-6276 3454 xtart@126.com
Xu Weiqiang and Angel
As a art form, Deconstructionsim Art has been being explored and researched by Xu Weiqiang since the end of 1994 and has 13 years’ history on its art concept. Xu Weiqiang produces a state-of-the-art product after years of efforts. Except some argumentative essays such as “On Deconstruction and Deconstructionsim Art” and publications on shelves, some extraordinary deconstruction productions are brought into our sights.
Mr. Xu Changes his paintings on shelves called “Series A”(I LovE U) into porcelain materials. From plane paintings on shelves to three-dimensional paintings “I LovE U(emissary of love)” and “I LovE U-Mother(Venus)”, all his productions fully show his sincerity, humor and softheaded but favorable smile. These harmonious productions with culture and humanity are all the concepts of Deconstructionsim Art persisted in by Mr. Xu more than 10 years and they are the outcomes of human body, human nature and the culture.
Exhibition planner:Li Tiejun
Curtain time:4:00, Mar. 21st, 2009
Exhibition time:Mar. 21st-Apr. 5th(Open around the clock)
Exhibition place:Hall of Deconstructionsim Art of Shanghai3/F Bldg No.11 50Moganshan Road Shanghai
Phone No:21-6276 3454 xtart@126.com
“I LovE U” 08元旦日 140X80cm (2008)
“I LovE U” 阿丑的亮點 2008 70X80cm